
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

One Little Word

Starting a new year is always exciting.  The possibilites of what you can achieve with a fresh start are endless.  While reading several blogs on New Year's Eve I came across a challenge called One Little Word.  The idea is to take one word that you would like to live by for the year.  At first, the idea of choosing a word was a little overwhelming for me; then I told myself to have "faith" that the right word would come to me.  I repeated it to myself again and thought "that should be my word, faith."

The thing is is that the word faith can take on different meanings depending on how you are going to use it.  For me, faith means to believe that my Savior has only good things in store for me and that I need to believe that...always.  I'm not ashamed to say that I lack faith in myself and my decisions.  However, this year that is going to change!  I am taking the word "faith" and embedding it deeply into my life.  My hope at the end of 2013 is that my faith in my Savior is unquestionable and that He renews the faith I am lacking in myself.  I really have no doubt of His abilities and I am faithful that 2013 will be a year that I will forever remember.

I would love it if you would join me on this journey.  There are many taking this challenge on and reading their posts and seeing their projects is inspiring.  Check out the info on the class at  I will definitley be posting pictures of my projects as I complete them.  If you already have your one little word, I'd love for you to share it.
