
Saturday, January 26, 2013

It's Been a While

Hi Everyone...I've been M.I.A. for the last couple of weeks; mainly due to the start of a new semester for me and competition season for my daughter.  I started two classes last week and all of a sudden I feel overwhelmed, which is so not like me.  Up until now, graduate school has kinda been a breeze...but now, not so much!  I love to be challenged but I really wasn't expecting the massive challenges of these two classes!  But I'm not gonna lie...I'm actually pretty excited about it! 


It is competition season!  My daughter is on an all-star cheer team and we get to travel quite a bit in the next couple of months.  This coming weekend we'll be in Palm Springs, CA!  I've never been so I'm definitely looking foward to it.  Some people still ask me: "what is all-star cheerleading?" Well, all-star cheerleading is basically a mix of extreme stunting and a lot of tumbling.  There are no actual "cheers" being chanted.  The routines are set to really  high energy music and it is an absolute blast to watch!  ESPN actually broadcasts from the World Championships at Disneyworld in April.  It is something everyone should check out.  I bet you'd be suprised how intense this competition really is.

Anyway, I really hope you are all enjoying your weekend.  We are enjoying some much needed rain.  Look for lots of pictures to be posted in the coming week from Palm Springs!!!



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