Hi Everyone! So last night I was presented with a question that made me really think...hard. The question was, "if you had 48 hours to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?" Now you would think this would be an easy question to answer right? Well for me it wasn't. This question was presented by my professor to the whole class. He asked us to close our eyes for two minutes and really think about it. Here is what surprised me: when he asked for volunteers to share their answers 19 people out of 21 said: "I would reconnect with myself."
We dove deeper into the whole reconnecting with myself thing and it was absolutely fascinating. I never realized how many of us do not know anything about ourselves or have lost ourselves completely. It was mind blowing. Many of us relate who we are to what we do, have, or the people we take care of. Some individuals said that they can only identify themselves through their children or their jobs. It mad me so sad because I really do not know what I enjoy myself anymore. If someone were to ask who I am the first thing I would say is that I am a mother. I have identified myself that way for over 15 years now! The burning questions is...is that wrong? The problem for me and so many individuals is that we do not know how to identify ourselves because we've lost ourselves along the way.
My goal this summer is to reconnect with myself, however, do it with the people I love. I could never define myself and leave out the most important part of my life, my family. My question to you my friends is do you feel you need to reconnect with yourself? If not, how do you find time to be you among the everyday grind? I would love for you to share. In fact, I beg you to share!! This is something that has truly touched me and any advice would be appreciated. Until next time friends, I wish your days to be filled with joy and peace.
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