
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Have the Itch to go...Anywhere

Lately I've had the itch to go, to leave, to excuse myself from reality and see what I'm missing out in the land of everywhere.  I'm not one who can say that I've traveled extensively.  Yeah, I've been here and there and to Mexico once, but I feel that my soul hasn't been satisfied in the realm of traveling.  Now when I say "traveling" I do mean seeing other countries, however, what most intrigues me is meeting  new people and learning about how they live.  I want to know how their lives differ from mine and maybe gain some insight on living a happier, more fulfilled life.  The idea of sitting with someone new and hearing their story is exciting.  I can imagine myself, journal in hand, writing fiercely as I listen to their stories and find out what makes them tick, what their passion is, their views on family, work, and life.  I want to hear how they spend their time and what is most valuable to them. 

I often see shows or read articles or stories that highlight certain cultures and how they may differ from our own.  At times it's astonishing to see how they live with so little, yet have full hearts.  I
 wonder if it's because they do not know any different or if it is sometimes by choice.  I saw a picture recently in a magazine of a family of 6 who lives in a one room home.  Yes, one room.  Kinda like a studio apartment.  Yet their faces were filled with joy, excitement, and pride as they posed for this picture. It made me wonder what it is that makes them so happy.  That is what I want to find out.  That is why I want to go...anywhere. To have the opportunity to learn from others.  It doesn't have to be somewhere magical like Paris or Rome.  But somewhere I can go and take in the daily goings on of ordinary people in an otherwise unfamiliar place to me. 

Yes, this is what I thought about on the past uneventful holiday weekend.  However, the more I think of it and write about it, the more I want to go...anywhere to learn anything I possibly can about this world I call home.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Have a Good One!

I just wanted to take a quick minute to wish you all a safe and memorable Memorial Day Weekend! 


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Organization...It's Calling Me

I am so not organized.  There I said it.  I've always had a problem organizing.  Whether it's my thoughts, closet, life, craft space, kitchen, etc. I lack the skill of organization.  However, I have decided it might be time to get somewhat organized.  I see these pins on Pinterest and videos on YouTube about organization and they blow my mind.  Who has time to be so organized and on top of things?  Is it you by chance?  Because if it is, I'd love to hear how you do it.  Anyway, I decided the best way to start organizing my life is to have a plan.  Write it down.  Make it happen.  I'm somewhat o.k. with writing lists so I thought I would start by ordering a Filofax to help organize my schedule.  And let me tell ya, those things can be quite expensive.  So, I ordered the cheapest one they had the Filofax Domino.  Snagged it on Amazon for $29.90 including shipping.  Here's what it looks like:
Domino, Organizers 
Yes, of course I ordered pink...go figure.  While on my journey to find something that will help me organize I ran across YouTube videos on setting up and using your Filofax.  You guys, I had no idea how many videos there were on Filofax's...again, mind blown.   There are some great tips on organization and using your Filofax properly to get the most out of it.  I mean you can have a "dashboard" in you planner that helps with the most important things that need to get done, you can decorate it with stickers, colored paper, sticky notes, and even journal in it (which of course was a huge plus for me).  

So how do you guys organize?  Is it something that comes naturally to you?  Or are you like me and have to really plan it out?  I'd love to hear your ideas and comments.  How about a video when I get my Filofax?  Let me know in comments if you'd like to see one.
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Changing the Definition of Success

If you were to say these words to me a year ago, I would have completely disagreed with you.  You see, I have always had the idea that your success is determined by how busy you are.  Sounds crazy right?  But in my mind if you were running around "doing" things that you were being successful.  Even if I was dropping off my daughter at school, running to the post office, grocery shopping, etc. I felt like I was so busy.  And busy equals success right?  I guess you could say that I had a warped view of success.   So when I say this saying it kinda slapped me right in the face.  I have been struggling lately with the idea of just living an ordinary life.  I mean my life is ordinary, but I do love it.  I love the idea of being able to spend time with my family whenever I want and not having high power lunch meetings or having to travel constantly for work.  

I consider having options a good thing.  I don't know about you, but as I get older all I really want to do is live simply and calmly.  No drama, no stress, and certainly no regrets.  I'm not gonna lie, I used to see a "successful" woman and think "I wonder what she does."  Now I'll see a similar woman and ask myself "I wonder if she thinks it's worth it".  I mean some people are totally wired for fast paced lives and I'm not saying they're making the wrong choice.  I'm just saying that it's the wrong choice for me.  And as far as living simply and calmly I could kick myself for not making the decision to do so earlier in life.  There is one thing however, that I'd like to make clear...I still LOVE to dream and dream BIG.  And who knows, maybe a dream or two will come to fruition in this beautiful life.  So, what are your thoughts on living calmly and simply?  Do you struggle with the thought of keeping up and being a "success"?  Because if you are, please know that the definition of success is what we make it to be. For me, success is now defined as living a life I'm happy with and not ever having any regrets.  What's your definition of success?


Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Little Weekend Reading

I love to read.  It's probably the one thing that I crave everyday. I do not discriminate when it comes to what I read!  I love reading magazines (actually quite obsessed with them) and books alike.  When I go to my Barnes & Noble and go to the magazine section and see new magazines, I get so excited that you would think I won the lottery...weird huh?  Anyway, I wanted to let you guys in on what magazines I LOVE reading and the book I'm currently devouring:

I love this magazine!  It is very inspirational and you get to go inside the studios of incredible business women.  You can take a peek inside the latest issue here.
Where Women Create

Another fave from Stampington & Company publishing is Artful Blogging.  You get to meet new bloggers and find out what their passions are and what drives their blogs.  It's a great read and the photography is amazing! Check it out for yourselves here.

Artful Blogging 
 Mollie Makes is such a great magazine.  It is published in the UK and most of their articles and shop info is located in the UK but the magazine is beautiful.  Check it out here
Mollie Makes issue 27 
Last but certainly not least is this fabulous book that I happened upon while at Barnes and Noble a few days ago.  Something about it struck me and I thought to myself "I need to read this book".  I started reading it last night and made it half-way through.  I LOVE it.  I would definitely check it out.  The words inside the covers speak to most of us and in my opinion is a must read.  Check out the reviews here 


Well my friends, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  And to all you mother's out there, have a fantastic Mother's absolutely deserve it.  

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Project Reconnection

Hi Everyone!  So last night I was presented with a question that made me really think...hard.  The question was, "if you had 48 hours to do whatever you wanted, what would you do?"  Now you would think this would be an easy question to answer right?  Well for me it wasn't.  This question was presented by my professor to the whole class.  He asked us to close our eyes for two minutes and really think about it.  Here is what surprised me: when he asked for volunteers to share their answers 19 people out of 21 said:  "I would reconnect with myself." 

We dove deeper into the whole reconnecting with myself thing and it was absolutely fascinating.  I never realized how many of us do not know anything about ourselves or have lost ourselves completely.  It was mind blowing.  Many of us relate who we are to what we do, have, or the people we take care of.  Some individuals said that they can only identify themselves through their children or their jobs.  It mad me so sad because I really do not know what I enjoy myself anymore.  If someone were to ask who I am the first thing I would say is that I am a mother.  I have identified myself that way for over 15 years now!  The burning questions that wrong?  The problem for me and so many individuals is that we do not know how to identify ourselves because we've lost ourselves along the way. 

My goal this summer is to reconnect with myself, however, do it with the people I love.  I could never define myself and leave out the most important part of my life, my family.  My question to you my friends is do you feel you need to reconnect with yourself?  If not, how do you find time to be you among the everyday grind?  I would love for you to share.  In fact, I beg you to share!!  This is something that has truly touched me and any advice would be appreciated.  Until next time friends, I wish your days to be filled with joy and peace.
