I know a lot of people hate and I mean hate celebrating birthdays. For some it's the idea of growing older that gets to them and for others it may be the fact that they aren't near family or friends. For me, it's a little bit of the idea of growing older however, this year I've decided to look at growing older differently. I used to think about growing older as being more limited in what your capable of doing or achieving. For instance, now that I'm 44 maybe I would think that I can't wear certain clothes or like certain things because I'm too old. Yes, I know that many of you are thinking who cares how old you are? But unfortunately, I
On my birthday I was thinking of how far I've come as a person and how far I can still go. This was a new way of thinking for me and it felt great. It may sound cliche, but I know if I set my mind to something that I can achieve it. For instance, when I first thought of starting a blog I thought to myself...who in the world wants to read about the life of a 40-something year-old? But I pushed through my negative thinking and forged foward. And now I am happy writing on my little blog...it brings me joy. So the moral of today's post? Life is short people!! Do not let how you look, your age, your education level, etc. determine your happiness today or in the future. I mean, this is our life and we only get one! So let's not cheat ourselves by limiting ourselves.

I hope that you all have a fantastic week. And don't forget to live your life to its fullest!